
Graduate Program

Graduate Program

The Theological University of Apeldoorn is committed to high-quality academic research in the Reformed tradition. For over a century, the university has contributed to the formation of theologians with an emphasis on careful exegesis of Biblical texts, thorough knowledge of the history of Reformed traditions and relevant constructive and practical theological pathways for today. The university aims at building a strong academic community for the future of the Reformed tradition.

The Graduate Program of the Theological University of Apeldoorn is small-scaled and high-level. To ensure academic excellence we provide our students with quality training. The development program focusses on methodology, academic writing and presenting skills. Given that all students sport various skillsets and degrees of competency, we try to tailor a development journey for every student. To ensure this, our professors schedule regular supervision meetings. 

Due to online communication software, the Graduate Program is not only accessible and apt for residential students, but also for international students and for those who pursue a PhD next to their day jobs. 

Participation in the annual Graduate Week in June is a mandatory component of TUA’s Graduate Program.

The Graduate Program is a cooperation of the TUA with Driestar Christian University.


To enroll in the Graduate Program, prospective students must:

  • meet TUA’s PhD Program Admission Requirements;
  • be able to spend at least 10 hours per week on their PhD research;
  • submit an application before April 1st of the calendar year in which they wish to start the program (starting 1 September). (Guidelines for the application are found below);
  • schedule an interview with one of our professors.

Please note that those who are accepted to start the Graduate Programme in September 2024 are also expected to participate in the Graduate Week from 26 June – 2 July 2025.


PhD students will be supervised by committed and inspiring professors in the fields of:

Click here for more information about the research groups.

*Currently not accepting new PhD students. 


Please send us (in English, German or Dutch):

  • Letter of motivation, including research program in which you wish to enroll and a provisional idea of your research (including relevance)
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Title and assessment of Master thesis
  • Letter(s) of recommendation (by an academic referee)
  • Pre-proposal (before submission your pre-proposal must be discussed with your supervisor)
  • Copy of your Masterdiploma and a corresponding grade list

Please note that the deadline for applications is April 1st. For you application and further inquiries, please send an e-mail to We will respond to your application before the 15th of May.

PhD fee

The costs for the promotion process are as follows:

  • An annual fee of € 700 (fee 2024/2025, there may be annual corrections)
  • Additionally, the legal tuition fee in the year of promotion (€ 2.530 for 2024/2025)

Note that if you successfully complete your PhD within 5 years, you are eligible, at your request, for a refund of 25% of the total PhD fee you paid (not including the legal tuition fee).

Download the flyer.

N.B. On February 13, 2025, the next online information evening will take place about doing a PhD at TUA. You can sign up by sending an e-mail to

PhD Regulations and further information

Promotiereglement (Dutch)
PhD Regulations (English)
Information about PhD Studies at TUA