21 November 2019
The Theological University of Apeldoorn has taken a new step in the development of a new Master's programme in Theology. The Dutch Minister of Education has taken a positive decision on the application. The two-year part-time master's programme is now being further developed and submitted to the Dutch-Flemish Accreditation Organisation. The new Master's programme is scheduled to start in September 2020.
The new Master's programme has been set up with a view to re-sourcing reformed theology for contemporary issues. Text, tradition and application are the key words. The biblical texts are read in view of the 21st century context. The theological tradition is highlighted in view of its relevance today. Christian wisdom is sought in pedagogical and theological practices.
Prof. Arnold Huijgen, Dean of the new Master: "TUA is happy and grateful that this step can be taken. Our Bachelor's students have been asking for a more compact Master's programme than the current three-year master's programme for some time now, because they like to stay at the Theological University of Apeldoorn. Also, labour market research in the Netherlands shows that there is a great need for a solid but compact master's programme in theology, also on a part-time basis. Moreover, we aim at attracting international students for the new Master’s programme. We are excited about the content of the new master and look forward to welcoming students in this Master."
TUA currently has a bachelor's programme of 60 EC and a (three years) Master's programme of 180 European Credits, both full-time. The planned part-time Master's programme of 60 EC is a welcome addition. The TUA will continue to work on expanding its education portfolio.
Momenteel heeft de TUA een bacheloropleiding van 180 EC en een masteropleiding van 180 EC, beide voltijds. De beoogde deeltijdmaster van 60 EC is daarop een welkome aanvulling. De TUA blijft werken aan uitbreiding van het onderwijsportfolio.