About TUA

Lecturers / Other staff


For professors, see this page.

Drs. C.T. Boerke
Lecturer in (Dutch) Church History

Dr. A. van den Brink
Lecturer in psychology
Dr. G.A. van den Brink
Associate professor of Church History, lecturer in philosophy

Dr. J. van der Knijff
Lecturer in Practical Theology (Liturgy)

Dr. M.C. Mulder
Lecturer in Judaïca and New Testament

Dr. J.J. Oosterhuis-den Otter
Lecturer in Greek and Latin

Dr. P.L. Rouwendal
Associate professor of Historical Theology, lecturer in Methodology

Drs. L. Snoek
Lecturer in Practical Theology (Catechesis)
D.A.M. Sonnevelt MA
Lecturer in Old Testament Hebrew and Biblical Aramaic
Dr. D.J. Steensma
Lecturer in Ethics
Dr. P. Veerman
Lecturer in Practical Theology
Dr. H. de Waard
Lecturer in Old Testament

Other scientific staff

Dr. P.D. Baarda MA
Academic staff member Practical Theology
Dr. W.A. den Boer
Academic staff member Missiology
Dr. G.M. Bosker
Academic staff member in Church history
J.A. Kalkman-Mahdi MA
Doctoral candidate in Old Testament
Dr. J. van de Kamp
Academic staff member in Church History
F.N. de With MA
Doctoral candidate in Practical Theology


H.P. Boersma
Communications Officer RESILIENCE
  Mw. A. Nusser MA
Academic staff member RESILIENCE

Study support

N. Duijzer-Algra
Trainer speaking skills, speech therapist

Educational support staff

J.B. Brunsveld
Administrative officer


J.E. Bulten
Staff member education and student affairs

Phone: +31 55 57 75 700

A.M.J. van Gils-Buitink
Library staff member

Dr. J.A. Iestra
Policy officer for education
J.A. Karels MA
Policy officer for research

N. van der Mijden-Groenendijk

Phone: +31 55 57 75 703

T.W.C. Rebel
Graphic designer

M. Rozema
Property manager / Beadle

Phone: +31 55 57 75 705

C.J. Stouten
Administrative and communication staff member

J.M. Vierbergen-Hakvoort
Communication officer

Phone: +31 55 57 75 707

M.J. van der Werf
Library staff member

J.W. van der Zande-de Roo
University secretary / Student adviser / Supervisor personal and professional training

Phone: +31 55 57 75 709