The Tax and Customs Administration has granted the Theological University of the Christian Reformed Churches, located in Apeldoorn, also known as the Theological University Apeldoorn, or TUA in brief, the ANBI status. The university is therefore considered a Public Benefit Organisation (in Dutch: Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling (ANBI)). Your donations to TUA are therefore tax deductible.
Donations to the account NL64 INGB 0005 463945 in the name of TUA Connect,
to the account of NL45 INGB 0000 925754 in the name of the TUA Library,
as well as general donations to TUA at account number NL40 INGB 0000 009000,
are all deductible.
Registered name: Theologische Universiteit van de Christelijke Gereformeerde Kerken
Known as: Theologische Universiteit Apeldoorn (TUA)
Contact information: Wilhelminapark 4, 7316 BT Apeldoorn
+31 55 577 57 00 / info[at]
RSIN-number: 820205941
TUA belongs to the Christian Reformed Churches in the Netherlands. The Christian Reformed Churches do not have statutes. Their statute (within the meaning of Article 2:2 of the Dutch Civil Code) is their church order. The TUA is an independent entity as referred to in Article 2 Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code and has juridical personality.
The Church Order of the Christian Reformed Churches in the Netherlands contains, among other things, regulations concerning the administration, finances, supervision and (disciplinary) jurisdiction applicable to the members of the Church, the congregations and other parts of this Church. This Church Order - available only in Dutch - can be found at the website of the Christian Reformed Churches.The Christian Reformed Churches have received a grouparrangement ANBI from the Tax and Customs Administration. This means that individual churches and other institutions that belong to this denomination have been designated as ANBI. This also includes the TUA.
Thankful for God's blessing on our university as a theological training entity of the Christian Reformed Churches in the Netherlands, we want to dedicate ourselves to the development of the Reformed practice of theology. Our heart's desire is to be useful for the continuation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and thereby to be of significance to society. We train people for the office of minister or for other service in God's Church and Kingdom, and conduct academic theological research. In addition, we provide services and training for churches and Christian organisations.
In all this we strive to promote the development of the Christian Reformed Churches and the unity of the Church of Christ.
The policy plan of the Christian Reformed Churches can be found at this link (only available in Dutch).
See also chapter 2 of our Management Report (only available in Dutch).
General Synod
The General Synod is the highest body of the CGK and thereby also of the TUA. The General Synod meets once every three years in a composition that changes each third year.
In 2024/2025 the following division of labour applies:
Voorzitter: Rev. H. Polinder
Assessor: drs. A. van de Bovekamp
Secretary: Rev. C.J. Droger
Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board consists of the following members:
Ds. J. van Langevelde, chairman
Dr. G. Korevaar
J.M. Kuijper-Rustenburg, secretary
G. Wolters RC
Executive Board
A.J. Dorst Msc, president
Prof. dr. M.J. Kater, rector/director of education
Assistant professors, associate professors and other employees are remunerated for their work in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement of Dutch Universities. A separate arrangement applies to professors, because they hold an ecclesiastical office. Members of the Supervisory Board and the Curatorium receive no remuneration for their activities.
The Management Report reports on the activities performed (only available in Dutch).
Statement of income and expenditure for 2021.
Estimate of income and expenditure with explanatory notes 2021.